Namespace Apizr
- AkavacheCacheHandler
Akavache cache handler implementation
- AkavacheOptionsBuilderExtensions
Akavache options builder extensions
- ApizrBuilder
The builder
- ApizrException
An exception with optional cached object
- ApizrException<TResult>
An exception with optional cached
- ApizrManager<TWebApi>
The manager
- ApizrResponse
Supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all classes in the .NET Framework; it is the root of the type hierarchy.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.
- ApizrResponseExtensions
ApizrResponse extensions methods
- ApizrResponse<TResult>
Interface used to represent an API response managed by Apizr.
- AutoMapperMappingHandler
AutoMapper mapping handler implementation
- AutoMapperOptionsBuilderExtensions
AutoMapper options builder extensions
- AutoRegisterAttribute
Tells Apizr to auto register a Manager for the provided api (works only with IServiceCollection extensions registration)
- DistributedCacheHandler<TCache>
Distributed cache handler implementation
- FileTransferExtendedOptionsBuilderExtensions
File transfer options builder extensions
- FileTransferOptionsBuilderExtensions
File transfer builder extensions
- FusilladeOptionsBuilderExtensions
Fusillade options builder extensions
- InMemoryCacheHandler
InMemory cache handler implementation
- LazyFactory<TInstance>
A lazy instance
- MapsterMappingHandler
Mapster mapping handler implementation
- MapsterOptionsBuilderExtensions
Mapster options builder extensions
- MediationOptionsBuilderExtensions
MediatR options builder extensions
- MicrosoftCachingOptionsBuilderExtensions
Microsoft Caching options builder extensions
- MonkeyCacheHandler
MonkeyCache cache handler implementation
- OptionalFileTransferOptionsBuilderExtensions
Extensions for file transfer registration with optional result
- OptionalOptionsBuilderExtensions
Optional with MediatR options builder extensions
- PriorityAttribute
The Fusillade priority attribute
- ReadAllPriorityAttribute
The Fusillade priority attribute
- ReadPriorityAttribute
The Fusillade priority attribute
- ServiceCollectionExtensions
Apizr service collection extensions
- IApizrBuilder
The builder
- IApizrManager
The manager definition
- IApizrManager<TWebApi>
The manager encapsulating
's task
- IApizrResponse
Base interface used to represent an API response managed by Apizr.
- IApizrResponse<TResult>
Interface used to represent an API response managed by Apizr.
- ILazyFactory<TInstance>
A lazy instance