- [Fix][Authentication] Redundant token refresh on multipart requests fixed
- [Update][NuGet] Now all package references are up to date with the latest versions
- [Fix][Headers] Now filtering out CRLF injection from headers
- [Update][Sample] Housekeeping sample projects
- [New][Authentication] Now
option provide many more overloads to fit more use cases, like property mapping, local methods, service methods, custom handler, etc. - [New][Authentication] Now
does clone request Options as well as former Properties - [New][Authentication] Now
performances and behavior have been improved by caching compiled factories and adjusting authentication flow - [Improvement][Authentication] Now
with no token available fails fast by returning an Unauthorized response without actually sending the request - [Improvement/Fix][Authentication] Now
does not clone anymore request with multipart content to prevent from memory leaks and stream issues - [Improvement/Breaking][Authentication] Now
's GetToken & SetToken former methods upgraded to GetTokenAsync & SetTokenAsync so we could wait for it - [Improvement/Breaking][Authentication] Now
option's methods handle more parameters like HttpRequestMessage & CancellationToken - [Breaking][DelegatingHandler] Now
provide a Logger within IApizrManagerOptionsBase single parameter - [Improvement][CacheKey] Now cache key generator extracts values from selected parameters only to improve performances
- [Fix][CacheKey] Now cache key generator handle parameters initialized right into the ExecuteAsync call as expected
- [Fix][CacheKey] Now POST methods returning a result could finally be data cached and key discriminated as expected
- [Fix][Config] Now configuration pipeline spreads options from common to request level as expected
- [Update][NuGet] Now Refit package reference has been updated to latest v8
- [Targets][NuGet] Now all Apizr packages are aligned with the same targeting frameworks as its referenced packages
- [New][Authentication] Now we can register a custom open generic authentication handler inheriting from
without needs of any instance factory. - [Update][NuGet] Now Refit.HttpClientFactory package reference has been updated to latest v8
- [Deprecated] Apizr.Integrations.Optional package has been deprecated as Optional.Async reference package is no longer maintained.
- [Deprecated] Apizr.Integrations.FileTransfer.Optional package has been deprecated as Optional.Async reference package is no longer maintained.
- [New][Exceptions] Now we can catch exceptions with a Func callback returning a Task of a handled boolean flag thanks to
fluent option - [New][Exceptions] Now we can catch exceptions by providing a custom exception handler implementing
thanks toWithExCatching
fluent option - [New][ConfigureAwait] Now we can adjust Http handlers task awaiting configuration thanks to
fluent option - [New][CacheKey] Now we can choose multiple complex type's properties to be included in cache key computation
- [Fix][CacheKey] Now providing a property name to the CacheKey attribute actually includes the property in cache key computation as expected
- [New][Exceptions] Now we can catch exceptions with a Func callback providing IServiceProvider and returning a Task of a handled boolean flag thanks to
fluent option - [New][Exceptions] Now we can catch exceptions by resolving a custom exception handler implementing
thanks toWithExCatching
fluent option
- [New][Exceptions] Now we can catch exceptions with a Func callback returning a handled boolean flag thanks to
fluent option - [New][Exceptions] Now we can check for a handled boolean flag right from the exception to adjust the handling behavior
- [New][Exceptions] Now we can let the exception throw even if it's yet been handled by registered handlers thanks to the
parameter - [Deprecated][Exceptions] Now catching exceptions with an Action callback is deprecated in favor of the new Func one
- [Update][NuGet] Now Polly.Extensions package reference has been updated to latest v8.4.2
- [Update][Doc] Now Doc website supports dark theme, larger code blocks and some other improvements
- [New][Cache] Now we can let the server control the client cache mode and lifetime thanks to the brand new
cache mode (seeCache-Control
headers) - [New][Transfer] Now we can finally use the
shortcut api thanks to latest Refit updates - [Update][NuGet] Now all package references are up to date with the latest versions
- [New][Exceptions] Now we can handle
safe response (based on Refit'sIApiResponse
) instead of catching exceptions - [New][Configuration] Now we can configure Apizr thanks to
from Microsoft.Extensions (e.g. from appsetings.json) - [New][Configuration] Now we can configure request options at register time thanks to the brand new
fluent option - [New][Refitter] Now we can generate all the boilerplate thanks to Refitter v1.2+ external package instead of the deprecated Apizr.Tools.NSwag one
- [New/Breaking][Polly] Now supporting only the brand new Polly v8+ Resilience Strategies/Pipelines/Registry instead of former Polly v7- Policies
- [New][Polly] Now we can set resilience pipelines to apply fluently to the request thanks to the brand new
fluent option - [New][Polly] Now we can scope resilience pipelines executions to specific http method groups thanks to the brand new
WithResiliencePipelineKeys's ApizrRequestMethod[]
optional parameter - [New][Polly] Now we can scope resilience pipelines executions to specific http method groups thanks to all brand new scoped
attributes likeGetResiliencePipeline
- [New][Cache] Now we can set caching options to apply fluently to the request thanks to the brand new
fluent option - [New][HttpTracer] Now we can filter out unwanted http message parts with the brand new
fluent option - [New][HttpTracer] Now we can pick
http message parts when configuring logging options fluently or using attribute - [New][HttpTracer/Headers] Now we can redact any header sensitive values from logs at design time by surrounding header values with a
star symbol rigth into theHeaders
attribute - [New][HttpTracer/Headers] Now we can redact any header sensitive values from logs at register time thanks to
fluent options - [New][Headers] Now we can choose to refresh a header value at request time or not, depending on the brand new
WithHeaders's ApizrLifetimeScope
optional parameter - [New][Headers] Now we can choose to set headers values straight to the request or store it for further headers attribute key match use, depending on the brand new
WithHeaders's ApizrRegistrationMode
optional parameter - [New][Headers] Now we can set headers values thanks to an expression tree
- [New][Attributes] Now we can provide types to attributes thanks to generic arguments instead of using typeof() as constructor parameters
- [New][DelegatingHandler] Now we can adjust the duplicate strategy while registering a DelegatingHandler
- [New][DelegatingHandler] Now we can register the extended way a DelegatingHandler by its type
- [New][HttpMessageHandler] Now we can register an HttpMessageHandler thanks to
fluent option - [New][HttpMessageHandler] Now we can register the extended way a HttpMessageHandler by its type
- [New][Cache] Now CacheKey attribute allows composite cache key generation from multiple decorated parameters
- [New][Registry] Now we can add multiple registry to the container and resolve a single merged one
- [New][BaseAddress/Path] Now we can set a base address or path with a duplicate strategy
- [New][Target] Now targeting multiple frameworks based on Refit targets:
- [New/Breaking][BaseAddress] Now we can set base address with the brand new
attribure instead of the now removedWebApi
useless ones, and only if you need to set it at design time - [New/Breaking][AutoRegister] Now we can tell Apizr to auto register apis with the brand new
attribure instead of the now removedWebApi
useless ones - [New/Breaking][MappedWith] Now we can tell Apizr to map data while using MediatR/Optional thanks to the yet known
attribure instead of the now removedCrudEntity
useless ones - [Breaking][CacheMode] Now
enum option has been renamed toCacheMode.FetchOrGet
so that it says what it actually does and improve consistency with the otherCacheMode.GetOrFetch
option - [Breaking][Headers] Now WithHeaders options take an enumerable parameter instead of a parameter array so that we could provide some more optional parameters
- [Breaking][Removed] Previsoulsy deprecated extensions methods for backward compatibility have been removed as they were not suitable anymore
- [Breaking][DelegatingHandler] Now we can register DelegatingHandlers thanks to
fluent option instead of theAddDelegatingHandler
deleted one for consistency. - [Fix][Cache] Now parameters decorated with
attribute are included no matter of position or index - [Fix][Cache] Parameter based cache keys are now allways computed to integrate value changes (skiping cachekey methodset)
- [Fix][Attributes] Now Apizr finally can get attributes decorating parent api interfaces or crud classes
- [Fix][Polly] Now Apizr wraps correctly resilience strategies, including typed result ones
- [Fix][Manager] ApizrManager has been optimized and refactored to improve performances
- [New] WithDistributedCacheHandler & WithInMemoryCacheHandler fluent shortcut options are now both available for single api registration too (no more limited to Registry)
- [Fix] Cache handlers now relies on content serializer to get xml serialization work too
- [Fix] Distributed cache handler serialization is now null protected to get it work without throwing exceptions
- [New][Exceptions] Now we can send safe request returning an
response to handle (based on Refit'sIApiResponse
) instead of catching exceptions
- [Fix] Now file data is no more logged by default while uploading or downloading
Apizr.Tools.NSwag has been discontinued
This tool project has been dropped out as Apizr now relies on Refitter to generate the boilerplate.
- [Unified][Cancellation] Now cancelling a request on Android trows an OperationCanceledException instead of a WebException/SocketClosedException
- [Unified][Cancellation] Now cancelling a request on iOS trows an OperationCanceledException instead of a TimeoutException/TaskCanceledException
- [New][Timeout] Now we can set a request timeout (each request try) and/or an operation timeout (overall request tries) thanks to both dedicated attributes or fluent options
- [Unified][Timeout] Now a request that times out on client side throws a TimeoutRejectedException provided by Polly instead of a TimeoutException
- [Fix][Headers] Now the headers feature fully support composite configuration
- [Fix][Context] Now the context feature fully support composite configuration
- [New][Timeout] Now we can set a request timeout thanks to both dedicated attributes or fluent option
- [New][Headers] Now we can set global headers without passing any options request parameter (HttpClient's DefaultRequestHeaders)
- [New][Auth] Now we can access to a dedicated logger instance while inheriting from AuthenticationHadlerBase
- [Fix][Cancellation] Now we really can cancel a request by providing a token trough the options
- [Fix][Log] CRUD's log attributes now target Class only
- [Breaking][HttpClient] Now we can configure the HttpClient instead of providing one (same as extended experience) with the brand new ConfigureHttpClient fluent option
- [Fix][HttpClient] Now HttpClientBuilder really apply composite configurations
- [Fix] Now default upload command returns HttpResponseMessage
- [Fix] Now default upload optional command returns Option<HttpResponseMessage, ApizrException>
- [New] Now Upload api uses the "file" alias
- [New] Now we can create transfer managers with shortcuts
- [New] Now we can get transfer managers with shortcuts
- [New] Now we can send requests with shortcuts
- [New] Now we can send optional requests with shortcuts
- [Bump] NuGet reference packages updated
- [New][Polly] Now providing a PolicyRegistry is not mandatory anymore so that Polly could be turned off by default
- [Fix] No more NullRefEx when getting cookies from CookieContainer
- [Fix] Typo fix
- [New] Now we can group registry common configurations at any level to share configurations without any limit
- [New] Now we can set a base path with the brand new WithBasePath fluent option or using attribute
- [New] Now we can set options at request time with the brand new fluent request options builder
- [New] Now we can execute api requests directly from the registry containing the managed api
- [New] Now we can set headers with the brand new WithHeaders fluent option
- [New] Now we can set a default readonly authentication token with a dedicated WithAuthenticationHandler fluent option
- [New] [Core] Now we can set a custom HttpClient with the brand new WithHttpClient fluent option
- [Improvement] [Core] No more dependency to Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly from the core package
- [Breaking] [Naming] Now ApizrBuilder static class offers only a Current property returning its own instance to get acces to its methods, so that it could be extended then by other packages
- [Fix] Some bugs and performance issues fixed
- [New] Brand new integration with Mapster
- [New] Brand new integration package to manage file transfers like a breeze with static registration/instanciation
- [New] We can track file transfer progress with the brand new WithProgress fluent option
- [New] Brand new integration package to manage file transfers like a breeze with extended registration
- [New] Brand new integration package to manage file transfers like a breeze with mediator pattern
- [New] Brand new integration package to manage file transfers like a breeze with mediator pattern and optional result
- [New] Brand new CLI tool so that Apizr files can now be generated by command line (Models, Apis and Registrations) from an OpenApi/Swagger definition using NSwag
- [Breaking] [Naming] Apizr static class renamed to ApizrBuilder to match its purpose and doesn't conflict with its namespace anymore
- [Breaking] [Naming] ApizrBuilder's methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to build (e.g. CreateRegistry, AddManagerFor, CreateManagerFor)
- [Breaking] [Naming] ApizrRegistry's methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to get (e.g. GetManagerFor, GetCrudManagerFor, ContainsManagerFor)
- [Fix] [Connectivity] No more exception while using Apizr the extended way but without providing any IConnectivityHandler implementation with Fusillade priority management enabled
- [Improvement] [Address] Now we can set base address at both common and proper levels so we can define a base address shared by all apis, but also a specific one if needed
- [Breaking] [Naming] Extension methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to build (e.g. AddManagerFor, AddCrudManagerFor)
- [Breaking] [Naming] ApizrExtendedRegistry's methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to get (e.g. GetManagerFor, GetCrudManagerFor, ContainsManagerFor)
- [Breaking] [Naming] ApizrMediationRegistry's methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to get (e.g. GetMediatorFor, GetCrudMediatorFor, ContainsMediatorFor)
- [Breaking] [Naming] ApizrOptionalMediationRegistry's methods renamed to match their return type so that we know what we're about to get (e.g. GetOptionalMediatorFor, GetCrudOptionalMediatorFor, ContainsOptionalMediatorFor)
- [New] [Logging] Now fully relies on MS Logging extensions
- [New] [Logging] Static fluent configuration now offers a WithLoggerFactory option to provide a custom logger factory
- [Breaking] [Logging] TraceAttribute has been renamed back to LogAttribute
- [Breaking] [Logging] Now we can set a LogLevel value for each Low, Medium and High severity by attribute or fluent configuration
- [New] [Logging] Now we can set logging settings within LogAttribute at method level
- [New] [Logging] Now we can set http tracing mode within LogAttribute to ajust log writting conditions (ExceptionsOnly, ErrorsAndExceptionsOnly or Everything)
- [New] [Logging] No more HttpTracer NuGet package dependency as source code has been integrated and largely adjusted to Apizr needs
- [New] [Configuring] Both static and extended fluent configuration now offers a Registry to set common options once for all registered apis, while keeping proper options applied to selected apis
- [New] [Configuring] Static fluent configuration could return the registry that expose a Populate method to register each generated Apizr manager in a container
- [New] [Configuring] Generated registry exposes GetFor, TryGetFor, GetCrudFor and TryGetCrudFor methods so that it could be used everywhere to get managers, instead of direct access
- [New] [Policing] Now we can provide a custom PollyContext if defined into the called api interface method, it will carry all logging settings for DelegatingHandler use.
- [New] [Mapping] Now we can enjoy data mapping with both static and extended configurations
- [Improvement] [Mapping] Now we can let Apizr auto map data right before sending request and/or after recieving response by providing types on ExecuteAsync call
- [New] [Caching] Now we can ask for clearing request cache before executing
- [New] [Exceptions] Brand new onException Action parameter to handle it globally (e.g. user dialog/toast) and let potential cached data return to caller as expected (e.g. refreshing UI)
- [New] We can now auto register crud managers for all scanned classes decorated by crud attributes
- [New] Brand new integration project to set MS Caching extensions as caching handler
- [Improvement] Now we can ajust Akavache settings while configuring
- [New] Now we can register Akavache directly with the brand new WithAkavacheCacheHandler option
- [Breaking] Now Apizr.Integrations.MediatR targets .Net Standard 2.1 as MediatR v10+ does
- [New] Now we can let Apizr auto map data right before sending request and/or after recieving response by providing types on Apizr mediators Send call
- [New] Brand new IApizrMediator & IApizrCrudMediator interfaces to get things shorter than IMediator
- [New] Now we can ask for clearing request cache before executing
- [New] Brand new onException Action parameter to handle it globally (e.g. user dialog/toast) and let potential cached data return to caller as expected (e.g. refreshing UI)
- [Breaking] Now Apizr.Integrations.Optional targets .Net Standard 2.1 as Apizr.Integrations.MediatR v4+ does
- [New] Now we can let Apizr auto map data right before sending request and/or after recieving response by providing types on Apizr optional mediators Send call
- [New] Brand new IApizrOptionalMediator & IApizrCrudOptionalMediator interfaces to get things shorter than IMediator
- [New] Now we can ask for clearing request cache before executing
- [Breaking] Now Apizr.Integrations.AutoMapper targets .Net Standard 2.1 as AutoMapper v11+ does
- [New] Now we can register AutoMapper directly with the brand new WithAutoMapperMappingHandler option
- [Improvement] No more extended package dependency to enjoy data mapping with both static and extended configurations
Apizr.Integrations.Shiny has been discontinued
This integration project has been dropped out as Shiny no longer provide built-in caching and logging feature anymore. Apizr now either relies on MS Caching extensions, Akavache or MonkeyCache for caching feature and MS Logging extensions for logging feature. You'll have to provide a connectivity handler if you want Apizr to check it.
- [New] Now based on Refit v6+ which introduce properties parameter provided to DelegateHandlers by the Http message. This is used by the new Fusillade priority management package.
- [New] Now based on Refit v6+ which introduce dynamic headers dictionary parameter allowing adding multiple dynamic headers in a single parameter thanks to [HeaderCollection] IDictionary<string, string> headers
- [New] Now based on Refit v6+ which now relies on System.Text.Json instead of Newtonsoft.Json. If you'd like to continue to use Newtonsoft.Json, add the Refit.Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package and follow the new Readme instructions
- [New] Now AuthenticationHandler is log level sensitive so we could tell it to keep quiet while using it heavily
- [New] Now caching could be disabled with CacheIt attribute thanks to CacheMode.None parameter to compose with assembly, interface and method level cache rules all together (e.g. you could now enable Cache globaly at assembly level but turn it off for a specific method like the login one)
- [New] Now you can initialize parameters directly from the managed method. No more pitfalls
- [Improvement] Cache key generator has been deeply reshaped to support all scenarios, including path parameters
- [Improvement] Nuget references have been updated to latest versions
- [BreakingChange] Fusillade has been moved to an integration package. If you used to play with it, just install it from its brand new dedicated integration package and follow the new Readme instructions
- [Fix] No more exception while using Apizr with Prism.Magician with Fusillade priority management enabled
- [New] Brand new integration package to use Apizr with Fusillade, only if you need it (no more core references and NuGet dependencies)
- [New] Now initialization options are typed to be dedicated to each api interface manager. It means you can now get a specific configuration for each Apizr manager instance, like for caching, logging, and so on...
- [New] Now caching could be defined at method level for CRUD api to. It means you can define specific cache settings for each Read and ReadAll request for each your CRUD model class
- [New] Now caching could be defined at class level for CRUD api like you does for classic interface one. It means you can define specific cache settings for both Read and ReadAll requests for each your CRUD model class
- [New] Now caching could be defined at assembly level for global cache settings. It means you can define global cache settings for all your apis in one place, and then define specific settings at sub-levels to override this behavior when needed
- [New] Now policy keys could be defined at method level for CRUD api to. It means you can define specific policy keys for each request of each CRUD model class
- [New] Now policy keys could be defined at class level for CRUD api like you does for classic interface one. It means you can define specific policy keys for all requests of each CRUD model class
- [New] Now logging could be defined at class level for CRUD api like you does for classic interface one. It means you can define specific logging settings for all requests of each CRUD model class
- [New] Now logging could be defined at assembly level for global logging settings. It means you can define global logging settings for all your apis in one place, and then define specific settings at sub-levels to override this behavior when needed
- [BreakingChange] TraceAttribute renamed to LogItAttribute to suits its tracing and logging both features activation
- [BreakingChange] CacheAttribute renamed to CacheItAttribute to keep things consistent
- [BreakingChange] No more cache and policy attribute decorating CRUD api by default. You can activate it fluently with the options builder.
- [New] Handling complex type as CacheKey
- [New] Now we can set Apizr log level within TraceAttribute to manage execution tracing verbosity
- [Change] Mediation's ICommand interface renamed to IMediationCommand, avoiding conflict with System.Windows.Input.ICommand
- [Fix] Parsing life span representation as TimeSpan from CacheAttribute
- [New] Introducing CatchAsync optional extension method to return result from fetch or cache, no matter of execption handled on the other side by an action callback to inform the user
- [New] Now we can toggle Fusillade priority management activation
- [New] Now we can provide a base uri factory (e.g. depending on config)
- [New] Now we can toggle Fusillade priority management activation
- [New] Now we can provide a base uri factory (e.g. depending on DI resovled settings)
- [Fix] Preserve attribute added
- [New] Now we can provide a custom HttpClientHandler instance
- [New] Now we can provide a custom HttpClientHandler instance
- [Fix] Now the manager waits for task with no result to handle exceptions properly
- [New] Introducing typed mediator and typed crud mediator for shorter request
- [Fix] Now MediatR handlers are registered correctly when asked from a manual registration context
- [Fix] Mapping null object now works correctly
- [Fix] Now MediatR handlers wait for its handling task to handle exceptions properly
- [New] Introducing typed optional mediator and typed crud optional mediator for shorter request
- [New] Introducing OnResultAsync optional extension method to make all the thing shorter than ever
- [Fix] Now Optional handlers are registered correctly when asked from a manual registration context
- [Fix] Optional request handlers now handle exceptions as expected
- [Fix] Now Optional handlers wait for its handling task to handle exceptions properly
- [Fix] Now nuget package as library both reference MediatR.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection nuget package for assembly version compatibility
- [Fix] Now Apizr works with DryIoc and Unity containers, returning a single UserInitiated instance, while waiting for external issues beeing fixed
- [Workaround] Doc updated to work with MediatR alongside DryIoc or Unity container, while waiting for external issues beeing fixed
- [Fix] No more
method available but onlyWithMediation
- [New] We can now auto register both crud and classic api interfaces
- [New] We can now use mediation with both crud and classic api interfaces
- [New] We can now use execution priority with both crud and classic api mediation
- [BreakingChange]
renamed toWithMediation
- [New] We can now use optional mediation with both crud and classic api interfaces
- [New] We can now use execution priority with both crud and classic api optional mediation
- [BreakingChange]
renamed toWithOptionalMediation
- [New] Shiny integration now offers all the same registration extensions methods
- [New] We can now use auto mapping with both crud and classic api mediation and optional mediation
- [New] We can now define mapped model entity type from the
above api entities for automatic crud registration
- [New] We can now provide an IMappingHandler implementation to the options builder for auto mapping
- [New] We can now decorate model entities with
to define mapped crud settings for automatic crud registration - [New] We can now associate api and model entities with
MappedEntity<TModelEntity, TApiEntity>
during manual crud registration
- [Fix] Cacheable ReadQuery now use the key value when defining cache key
- [Fix] Auto handling now works as expected with manual crud registration
- [Fix] Cacheable ReadOptionalQuery now use the key value when defining cache key
- [New] Brand new integration with AutoMapper, to let Apizr handle crud entity mapping during mediation handling
- [BreakingChange] Apizr instantiation/registration methods names standardized to Apizr.For and Apizr.CrudFor
- [New] Introducing ICrudApi service to manage standard CRUD api calls built-in
- [BreakingChange] Apizr instantiation/registration methods names standardized to services.AddApizrFor and services.AddApizrCrudFor
- [New] Enabling ICrudApi auto registration feature with CrudEntityAttribute and assembly scanning
- [BreakingChange] Apizr instantiation/registration methods names standardized to services.UseApizrFor and services.UseApizrCrudFor
- [New] Enabling ICrudApi auto registration feature with CrudEntityAttribute and assembly scanning
- [New] Brand new integration with MediatR, to let Apizr handle crud requests execution with mediation
- [New] Brand new integration with Optional, to let Apizr handle crud requests execution with mediation and optional result
- [New] Aibility to manage generic web apis by setting base address with the options builder
- [New] Same as Apizr
- [New] Same as Apizr
Initial Release for
- Apizr
- Apizr.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection
- Apizr.Integrations.Akavache
- Apizr.Integrations.MonkeyCache
- Apizr.Integrations.Shiny